Poster Presentation

Submission   ID Title Authors with   Affiliations
5 Low   Loss Gate Engineered Superjunction Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor for High   Speed Application Shriharsh   Prasad Behera (National Institute of Technology Raipur); Mahesh Vaidya   (Indian Institute of Science); Alok Naugarhiya (National Institute of   Technology Raipur)
236 K-means   Clustering with ANN based Classification to Predict Current-Voltage   Characteristics of Advanced FETs Om   Maheshwari (Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar); Dev Vyas (Pandit   Deendayal Energy University); Nihar Mohapatra (Associate Professor)
261 Improving   Retention Time of 1T DRAM using Electrostatic Barrier: Proposal and Analysis SHIVENDRA   SINGH (IIIT Delhi); EKTA TIWARI (IIIT Delhi); ABHINAV GUPTA (IIIT Delhi);   SNEH SAURABH (IIIT Delhi)
98 Flux   Controlled Grounded Meminductor Emulator Using Single DVCCTA Nidhee   Bhuwal (Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee International Institute of Information   Technology, Naya Raipur); Manoj Kumar Majumder (Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee   International Institute of Information Technology, Naya Raipur); Deepika   Gupta (Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee International Institute of Information   Technology, Naya Raipu)
118 Design   of 3 bit/cell NAND Memory Array based on Ferroelectric Field Effect   Transistor Albert   Daimari (Tezpur University); Ankit Chakusaru Deori (Tezpur University); Arnab   Ratna Pawe (Tezpur University); RATUL KUMAR BARUAH (Tezpur University)
212 Design   and Implementation of SPAD-Based Linearly Stable Multi-Mode Configurable TAC   Pixel Minal   Bisen (Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai); Kapil Jainwal (Indian   Institute of Technology Hyderabad); Nitin Khanna (Indian Institute of   Technology Bhilai)
290 Parallel-Series   Diode-based Ring Amplifier for Switched Capacitor Circuits Zainubia   Zainubia (GCET Jammu); Bipul Kumar Singh (IIT Jammu); Manish Pundir (IIT   Jammu); Subhash Chander Dubey (IIT Jammu); Ambika Prasad Shah (IIT Jammu)
317 A   Low Power Dual-Band Sub-Sampling Phase Locked Loop with sub-100 fs RMS Jitter   and <-255-dB FOMjitter ANSHUL   VERMA (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee); BISHNU PRASAD DAS (IIT   Roorkee)
428 An   Integrated Multipurpose Low-Power Electrochemical Readout Interface with   On-Chip Input Waveform Generator Sayan   Sarkar (HKUST)
93 Optimizing   Medical Image Analysis: Leveraging Efficient Hardware and AI Algorithms Subhadeep   Dolai (Liverpool John Moores University); Ekata Mitra (Portland State   University); Hafizur Rahaman (Indian Institute of Engineering Science and   Technology,Shibpur)
95 SpiCS-Net   : Circuit Switched Network on Chip for Area-Efficient Spiking Recurrent   Neural Networks Manu   Rathore (University of Tennessee); Garrett S. Rose (University of Tennessee)
152 Nano-watt   Hyperdimensional Compute-in-Memory and Storage using Linear Floating-gate   Injectors Darshit   Mehta (Ginko Bioworks Inc.); Shantanu Chakrabartty (Washington University in   St. Louis)
253 Reconfigurable   Processing-in-Memory Architecture for Data Intensive Applications Sathwika   Bavikadi (George Mason University); Purab Ranjan Sutradhar (Rochester   Institute of Technology); Amlan Ganguly (Rochester Institute of Technology);   Sai Manoj Pudukotai Dinakarrao (George Mason University)
339 HARVEST:   Towards Efficient Sparse DNN Accelerators using Programmable Thresholds Soumendu   Ghosh (Intel Corporation); Shamik Kundu (University of Texas at Dallas);   ARNAB RAHA (Intel Corporation); Deepak A. Mathaikutty (Intel Corporation);   Vijay Raghunathan (Purdue University)
423 FP-BMAC:   Efficient Approximate Floating-Point Bit-Parallel MAC Processor using IMC Saketh   Gajawada (InternationalInstituteofInformationTechnologyBangalore); Aryan   Gupta (IIT Gandhinagar); Kailash Prasad (Indian Institute of Technology   Gandhinagar); Joycee Mekie (Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar)
147 Early   RTL Exploration and Debug of Static DFT Verification in Mobile SoC and Edge   AI Applications Vinod   Viswanath (Real Intent, Inc.); Kanad Chakraborty (Real Intent)
42 DRL-based   Multi-Stream Scheduling of Inference Pipelines on Edge Devices Danny   Pereira (IIT Kharagpur); Sumana Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute);   Soumyajit Dey (IIT Kharagpur)
159 A   Pulse Oximeter And a Controller Designed For Automatic Regulation of Oxygen   Concentrators DIBYA   CHOWDHURY (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar); Shivdeep Shivdeep (Indian   Institute of Technology Ropar); Devarshi Mrinal Das (Indian Institute of   Technology Ropar)
298 An   Efficient Neural Network Controller for Autonomous Lane-Keeping Assist System Debanjan   Mallik (Jadavpur University); Sumana Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute)
151 In-Memory   SAT-Solver for Self-Verification of Programmable Memristive Architectures Fatemeh   Shirinzadeh (University of Bremen); Arighna Deb (School of Electronics   Engineering, KIIT University); Saeideh Shirinzadeh (German Research Center   for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)); Abhoy Kole (German Research Center for   Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)); Kamalika Datta (University of Bremen); Rolf   Drechsler (University of Bremen/DFKI)
215 Accelerating   Fluid Loading in Sample Preparation with Fully Programmable Valve Arrays Mohit   Kumar (Havells); Abhik K. Khan (IIT Guwahati); Sudip Roy (IIT Roorkee);   Krishnendu Chakrabarty (Arizona State University); Sukanta Bhattacharjee   (Iitg)
255 Analysis   of the Effects of Crosstalk Errors on Various Quantum Circuits Soumen   Bajpayee (Indian Institute of Information Technology Kalyani); Imon Mukherjee   (Indian Institute of Information Technology Kalyani)
427 Hybrid   CMOS-Memristor Logic for Boosting the Power-Efficiency in Error Tolerant   Applications Monika   Pokharia (Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar); Kailash Prasad   (Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar); Ravi Hegde (Indian Institute of   Technology, Gandhinagar); Joycee Mekie (Indian Institute of Technology   Gandhinagar)
13 Design   for Trust utilizing Rareness Reduction Aruna   Jayasena (University of Florida); Prabhat Mishra (University of Florida)
193 KiD:   A Hardware Design Framework Targeting Unified NTT Multiplication for   CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium on FPGA Suraj   Mandal (IIT Kanpur); Debapriya Basu Roy (Indian Institute of Technology   Kanpur)
195 Pattern   Based Synthetic Benchmark Generation for Hardware Security Applications Juneeth   kumar Meka (University of Cincinnati); Satya AmarKant Marupureddy (University   of Cincinnati); Ranga Vemuri (University of Cincinnati)
203 Characteristic   Exploitation of Programmable Delay Line Influenced Oscillator Circuit as   Hardware Security Primitive Sivaraman   R (Research Scientist); Muralidaran D (Faculty); Muthaiah R (Professor);   Shankar Sriram V S (Professor)
232 A   High Throughput ASCON Architecture for Secure Edge IoT Devices Ayyappa   Koppuravuri (International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore);   Haribabu Pasupuleti (International Institute of Information Technology   Bangalore); Sasirekha GVK (International Institute of Information Technology   Bangalore); Jyotsna Bapat (International Institute of Information Technology   Bangalore)
354 Enhancing   Output Corruption Through GSHE Switch Based Logic Encryption Nikhil   Saxena (University of Cincinnati); Ranga Vemuri (University of Cincinnati)
414 Evaluating   the Robustness of Large scale eFPGA-based Hardware Redaction. Praveen   Karmakar (IIT Guwahati); Marpina Bharani (IIT Guwahati); Chandan Karfa   (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati)
416 Trojan   Localization using Information Flow Tracking Properties in SoC Designs Suriya   Srinivasan (University of Cincinnati); Ranga Vemuri (University of   Cincinnati)
417 Processing-in-Memory   Architecture with Precision-Scaling for Malware Detection Sreenitha   Kasarapu (George Mason University); Sathwika Bavikadi (Geroge Mason   University); Sai Manoj Pudukotai Dinakarrao (George Mason University)
422 SDR-PUF:   Sequence-Dependent Reconfigurable SRAM PUF with an Exponential CRP Space Kailash   Prasad (Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar); Neel Shah (Indian   Institute of Technology Gandhinagar); Jinay Dagli (Indian Institute of   Technology Gandhinagar); Joycee Mekie (Indian Institute of Technology   Gandhinagar)
247 Multi   Port Register File Implementation Using SDP Approach For Optimized Area and   Power vijay   kumar vala (mediatek); priyanka gupta (mediatek)
376 Broadband   spectrum generation in Silicon nanocrystal-based dual-slot waveguide SOMEN   ADHIKARY (Senior Research Scholar); Ritesh Das (Junior Research Scholar);   Mousumi Basu (Professor)
7 A   Novel Approach to Control a DC-DC Converter Using its Empirical Physical   Model Sushmita   Ghosh (PhD Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi); Bidyut K.   Bhattacharyya (Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,   Georgia Institute of Technology)
92 A   novel controlled shutdown scheme for DC-DC converters enabling energy   recycling Anup   Deka (Intel); Shobhit Tyagi (Intel)
59 Evolvable   Hardware for Fault Mitigation in Control Circuits Deepanjali   S (Indian Institute of Information technology Design and Manufacturing,   Kancheepuram); Noor Mahammad Sk (Indian Institute of Information Technology   Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram); Beautlin S (St.Joseph's   Institute of Technolology, Chennai)
69 On   Managing Test-Time, Power, and Layer Assignment in 3D SoCs with   Built-In-Self-Repair Modules SABYASACHEE   BANERJEE (Asst. Prof.); Subhashis Majumder (Prof.); Bhargab B. Bhattacharya   (Prof.)
202 Structural   Testing: Vmin Silicon Issues and Solutions Prashant   Sonone (Mr); Pradeep R (Mr)
432 Genetic   Algorithm Based Efficient Grouping Technique for Post Bond Test and Crosstalk   Faults Among TSVs Tanusree   Kaibartta (Dr.); Hitarth Arora (IITISM); Debesh Kumar Das (Jadavpur   University)