Important Dates:

✓ Idea Abstract Submission :
✓ Acceptance Notification :
✓ Final Presentation :

✓ Idea Abstract Submission : 07-Feb-2022
✓ Acceptance Notification : 20-Feb-2022
✓ Final Presentation : 26-Feb-2022

VLSID 2022 Design Contest:

The International Conference and VLSI Design and Embedded design 2022 is holding the International Design Contest to provide a platform to solve current and future problems for humanity. The contest will follow the theme of the Healthcare, Space and Transportation

You will be showcasing design approaches and system solutions in the areas/domains of AI, ML/DL, IOT, Industrial, Smart Cities, Cloud, Communication, Computing, Healthcare, Space science, Transport etc.

Stage-1 : Ideation

  • Your idea should cover Embedded design/Software/ System/ Block/RTL/Algorithm/Logic/Circuit/ Module/architecture using open or industry standard methods/IPs
  • Example of it’s application
  • Benefits and value addition of your solution

The selected designs will be invited for presentations at VLSID2022 in a special session devoted to the Design Contest on 26th Feb’2022

Stage-2 : Implementation

  • Module/System/Board/Device/Analog/digital/RF/mixed signal design on FPGA/industry platform using EDA tools/IDE tools
  • Implementation with live demo sessions for the selected designs should be completed by 31st July’2022. Winners will get 5 months of implementation time.
  • Experts from Conference team will guide and mentor during this 5 months of implementation. Support will be provided for remote access of tools access for project execution

Guideline for submission:

Submissions of original designs developed at universities OR in industry are invited.

Designs submitted to previous Design contests are not eligible. Designs that have already received an award in other contests can be submitted. Designs related to the regular papers submitted to VLSID2022 are also welcome. In such a case, the authors must include a reference to the corresponding paper in the demo proposal.

A 2-page demo proposal is required and must be submitted prior to the deadline. The demo proposal should follow the template available on the conference website.

  • Selected designs will be briefly presented at the VLSID2022 conference session as IDEA pitch.
  • A live (Online) demonstration will be arranged in Aug’22 for the implementation stage of design as final contest result.

Steps for the submission:

  • Download template available on the conference website.
  • Fill all required details with minimum font size: 10pt, times new roman font. Max two pages including tables, diagram, references (if any).
  • Convert it to pdf format.
  • Submit the pdf using the weblink link available on conference website.

For questions contact: [email protected]

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