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Women in Engineering (WIE) forum is celebrating the high women achievers and bringing together like-minded leaders of industry and academia on a platform where they will share their knowledge and experiences to make engineering gender independent.

As a part of WIE Forum, following will be featured in VLSID 2019:
WIE Forum Talk: The High Achievers
From Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer, and Katherine Johnson, the NASA "computer" to this day with women occupying C-suites in Fortune 500, women have pioneered and made major contributions to technology industry. Women are scaling newer heights everyday as entrepreneurs, as corporate executives, as academicians, and more.

What contributions have been made by women leaders around us?

How was the journey of these high achieving women?

Did they face any hurdles that you face? How did they overcome those hurdles?

Is it enough if women engineers are equally competent as the men engineers? Or do they need to be better to achieve the same success?

Well-known women leaders will share their story and their views.
WIE Panel Discussion: Be the Change
Although women in engineering remain under-represented as a small fraction of male engineers, companies and educational institutes worldwide are working to fill this gap. There is a greater awareness and acceptance of benefits of diversity in workforce. Some companies are taking concrete actions to make engineering workforce truly diverse, while others are on their way to change good intentions into actions. We are doing very well at the entry level but retaining the women in engineering, thus enabling them to grow into experts and executives, is far from reality. We are yet a long way from a world where talk on gender diversity/equality will be a passé.

Are we moving in the right direction?

What can we do to encourage women to opt STEM career?

How do we go from hiring women engineers to retaining women engineers?

Can companies be the catalyst for this transition?

Can you "Be the Change" and make a difference?

A panel consisting of eminent leaders from industry, academia and government will give their opinion and thoughts about what shall be done at community, corporate and individual level to make engineering gender equal.

JECC, Jaipur

About VLSID Conference

VLSI Design Conference started as a simple idea in 1985: to sense the level of VLSI activities in India with a focus on engineering education & research. Over the years, the conference has grown equilaterally with a VLSI community that includes the likes of Multinational Industries, Academic contributors and Government bodies around the globe. With its global footprints VLSID is recognized as a 'Sister Conference' of Design Automation Conference. This conference is sponsored by VLSI Society of India (VSI).