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Panel Discussion on Semiconductor Startups in India – A pipe dream
Indian engineers have led the semi-conductor movement around the world but India itself has been left behind. To be fair, large number of engineers working in India are critical part of semiconductor value chain. However, the irony is, India is a net importer of chips for its US$100billion electronics industry even though world leaders in semiconductor industry have sizable presence in India. Government of India itself has flirted with the idea of semiconductor fabs in India since 2007 but without much success. Today, large companies also look at startups to source innovative IP for emerging markets like IoT, AI, RF just to name a few.

What type of opportunities exists for semiconductor startups in India?

What needs to be done to create a well-rounded silicon ecosystem in India using startups as a catalyst?

A panel consisting of experts and decision makers from Venture Capital Industry, Academia, Government and Startups will debate as well as provide their insights.
Technical Talks on Start up to Scale up in IoT; from proof of concept to Production
According to Amazon, by 2020, 20.4 billion IoT devices would be deployed. This would be 82% increase in deployments from 2018. However a CISCO survey in 2018 also found that 60% of IoT projects stalled at proof of concept stage and three quarters of remaining 40% were considered a failure.

What does it take for a cash strapped start-up to become scale in this space?

What is that keeps the organization from realizing full potential of IoT?

Can we learn from successful best practices in the industry?

Can ecosystem come together and increase the chances of success?

Well-known leaders in this space will share their insights from talent, technology platform, policy and end user perspective.

JECC, Jaipur

About VLSID Conference

VLSI Design Conference started as a simple idea in 1985: to sense the level of VLSI activities in India with a focus on engineering education & research. Over the years, the conference has grown equilaterally with a VLSI community that includes the likes of Multinational Industries, Academic contributors and Government bodies around the globe. With its global footprints VLSID is recognized as a 'Sister Conference' of Design Automation Conference. This conference is sponsored by VLSI Society of India (VSI).